Bekijk de volledige versie : BBC - The DVD Collection

20-11-2003, 20:31
Vanavond (20 november) op BBC 2 van 00.20 - 00.55 het TV-programma The DVD Collection

The guide to the best new DVDs. Stuart Maconie announces the shortlist for BBC Four's first World Cinema Award and reviews The Indiana Jones Trilogy: all three films and a whole disc of extras!

Plus a look at The Magdalene Sisters, Peter Mullan's powerful story of the 'fallen' women incarcerated in Ireland's Magdalene Laundries, and Igby Goes Down, in which Kieran Culkin plays a mixed-up seventeen year old who enters the bohemian underworld of Manhattan.

Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dvdcollection/
De videorecorder staat iig al ingesteld :lol: