Bekijk de volledige versie : Frankenstein 2004

Roy K.
04-10-2004, 15:24
Ik vond zojuist de volgende info op het net maar weet echter niet of deze film al eens aanbod was geweest vandaar opening van dit topic.


Official Website:

Marcus Nispel

Parker Posey,
Vincent Perez,
Thomas Kretschmann,
Adam Goldberg,
Ivana Milicevic,
Michael Madsen

Frankenstein is a modern retelling of a classic tale. Dr Frankenstein - now known as Victor Helios (Thomas Kretschmann) - and his first creation - known as Deucalion (Vincent Perez) - have survived hundreds of years through scientific intervention. Living in New Orleans, Victor has created a laboratory to manufacture a new race of people to eventually replace mankind. Although designed to be perfect, calm, analytical creatures, Victor’s creations are tortured by their own existence, unpredictable and often dangerous. When Deucalion, who has been living abroad, learns about Victor’s evil scheme, he goes to New Orleans to face his creator and end his human-engineering operation. In order to accomplish this, Deucalion realizes he must find help.

Detectives Carson O’Conner (Parker Posey) and Michael Sloane (Adam Goldberg) are investigating a series of murders that plague the New Orleans community. The latest victim is one of Victor's creations, a human abomination with two hearts and rock-solid bones. To amass more evidence, Carson visits the victim's apartment and is confronted by Deucalion who is there doing his own investigation. Initially she mistakes Deucalion for the killer due to his bizarre features and odd disposition, but soon learns of his true identity and Victor Helios' master plan. Together, Carson, Michael, and Deucalion make a pact to take down Victor, whose creations have successfully infiltrated society and are wreaking havoc.

04-10-2004, 15:38
Net de trailer gezien. Zag er wel goed uit. Ook leuk dat Madsen meedoet. Gaat deze film eigenlijk wel in Nederland uitkomen? De trailer gaf me meer het idee dat het een Amerikaanse tv-film is. Maar het zag er wel goed uit.

Roy K.
04-10-2004, 15:41
Op Imdb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0397430/) zie ik dat net inderdaad staan. Het is een USA Network Original Movie. Het is dus de vraag of het hier nog verschijnd.

04-10-2004, 17:36
Ivana Milicevic is echt lekker 8)

Maick Werner
04-10-2004, 17:46
Ivana Milicevic is echt lekker 8)

Ja man! En tel daar Michael Madsen en Adam Goldberg bij op en ik ben als aan de buis gekluisterd :D