Bekijk de volledige versie : My Super Ex-Girlfriend

Jeroen C
30-08-2005, 10:41
Uma Thurman & Luke Wilson in Super Ex

http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/mgm/be_cool/uma_thurman/becoolprec2.jpg http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/warner_brothers/starsky___hutch/luke_wilson/hutchpre2.jpg

Source: Variety July 13, 2005

Uma Thurman and Luke Wilson will star in Super Ex, a romantic comedy Ivan Reitman will direct for Regency Enterprises, reports Variety.

The script, written by Don Payne (The Simpsons), has Thurman playing a superhero who falls for a regular guy. He's okay with her superhuman abilities but can't take her neediness. When he dumps her, she uses her powers to turn the guy's life into a nightmare.

Super Ex will shoot in New York this fall. Thurman's upcoming projects include Prime, with Meryl Streep, and The Producers, in which she plays receptionist Ulla.

Variety (http://www.variety.com/)

Thread titel aangepast van 'Super Ex' naar 'My Super Ex-Girlfriend'

Jeroen C
30-08-2005, 10:44

Faris and Izzard Battle Super Ex

http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/dimension_films/scary_movie_3/anna_faris/scarypre6.jpg http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/tribeca/tribeca_film_festival_2004_photos/eddie_izzard/tricigm.jpg

Source: The Hollywood Reporter August 30, 2005

Anna Faris and Eddie Izzard have signed on to join Uma Thurman and Owen Wilson in Ivan Reitman's Super Ex for Regency Enterprises, says The Hollywood Reporter.

The comedy centers on a man (Wilson) who learns that his girlfriend (Thurman) is a superhero and breaks up with her when she becomes too controlling and neurotic. She then uses her powers to torment and embarrass him.

Faris will play Hannah, the love interest of Wilson's character. Izzard will play Professor Bedlam, the story's villain.

Gavin Polone is producing through his Pariah banner. Don Payne (The Simpsons) is writing the screenplay.

The Hollywood Reporter (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/)

Jeroen C
10-10-2005, 22:20

Luke Wilson Talks About Super Ex


Source: IESB October 10, 2005

Luke Wilson told IESB that he will start filming Super Ex this week:

It's with Uma Thurman and Ivan Reitman, it's another high concept comedy. I play a guy who starts going out with Uman Thurman's character and she turns out to be kinda like the Superman of New York, she's a superhero and she's a little tough to deal with in relationships so I break up with her and she starts using her superpowers against me.

Anna Faris and Eddie Izzard also star in the Ivan Reitman-directed film.

IESB (http://www.iesb.net/upcomingfilm/101005.php)

Jeroen C
07-11-2005, 21:06

Uma Thurman in Outfit


More... (http://www.livejournal.com/community/umathurmanfans/116390.html)

09-11-2005, 18:22
Ziet er niet verkeerd uit moet ik zeggen :twisted:

09-11-2005, 18:32
Ziet er niet verkeerd uit moet ik zeggen :twisted:
idd :shock: :shock:
bring it on :D

Jeroen C
14-11-2005, 21:26

Sykes & Wilson Board Super Ex-Girlfriend

http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/paramount_pictures/down_to_earth/wanda_sykes/earthpre.jpg http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/universal_pictures/the_40_year_old_virgin/rainn_wilson/virginprejs.jpg

Source: The Hollywood Reporter November 14, 2005

Wanda Sykes and Rainn Wilson have joined the cast of Super Ex-Girlfriend, a superhero comedy starring Uma Thurman and Luke Wilson, says The Hollywood Reporter.

Directed by Ivan Reitman, the Regency Enterprises project centers on a man (Luke Wilson) who learns that his girlfriend (Thurman) is a superhero and breaks up with her when she becomes too controlling and neurotic. She then uses her powers to torment and embarrass him.

Sykes will play the boss of Luke Wilson's character, while Rainn Wilson will play the best friend.

The film is shooting in New York.

The Hollywood Reporter (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com)

14-11-2005, 21:30
die gast is zooo droog in t 3e seizoen van Six Feet Under :lol: :mrgreen:

Jeroen C
29-04-2006, 14:33



Jeroen C
31-07-2006, 08:51

Trailer (http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/mysuperexgirlfriend/)

Official Site (http://www.mysuperex.com/)


Erik Sastriawan
14-09-2006, 23:25
Leuk om een keer gezien te hebben.
Op de posters ziet Uma er trouwens een stuk sexier uit dan in de film. Misschien komt het wel omdat ze zo snel is in die pakjes ;-)

Komt wel in de collectie denk ik...

14-09-2006, 23:56
Voor de mensen die deze film al gezien hebben,

hoe groot is de rol van Anna Faris hierin?

Aangezien zij zo'n beetje de enige reden is voor mij om deze film te zien.

17-09-2006, 17:37
Vrij klein ze is de collega / stille liefde van de mannelijke hoofdrol speler.

Alleen aan het einde is ze even heel belangrijk, maar zal ik niet verklappen ;)

Zelf koop ik de UK R2 die binnenkort uitkomt, is wel geinige film namelijk.

Hayko de Boer
23-10-2006, 08:48
Geinige film, qua sfeer een typische Reitman (keuze van muziek, opbouw, plaatjes).

Het truukje van Uma als grijze muis / hot babe hebben ze al eerder neergezet in de Robin Hood-verfilming met Patrick Bergin, maar die heeft toch bijna niemand gezien.

Een paar grappen komen echt uit de lucht vallen (ook letterlijk), maar het past bij de film.

Aanrader voor wie eens wat wil lachen in de bios.