Bekijk de volledige versie : LOTR played by other actors.

10-03-2002, 18:44
Voor hen die even flink wil lachen.............!!!!!!!

LOTR played by other actors :

How about...

Keanu Reeves as Frodo?

(after being informed that he is the proud owner of the Ruling Ring)

Bruce Campbell as Pippin?

(staring at the well-shaft in Moria as the drums start to beat)
"Hey... wait a minute... everything's cool... I said the words..."

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Gandalf?

(as the Balrog's whip curls around his ankles)
"Fly, you fools. I'll be back."

Alannis Morissette as Galadriel?

(showing the Shire to Frodo in the Mirror)
"And I'm here to remind you of the mess you left when you went away..."

Marlon Brando as Boromir?

(trying to take the Ring from Frodo on Amon Hen)
"Give it to me. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse."

The Rangers (from Babylon 5) as the Nazgul?

"We live for the One. We die for the One."

James Earl Jones as Saruman?

(to Gandalf, in Isengard)
"I am altering the Council. Pray I don't alter it any further."

Harrison Ford as Gollum?

(in Lothlorien)
"Elves. Why did it have to be Elves?"

Eric Cartman as Isildur?

(cutting the Ring from Sauron's hand)
"Respect my authoritah!"

(standing at the Cracks of Doom with Elrond)
"Screw you guys, I'm going home."

Jim Carrey as Aragorn?

(watching the armies of Mordor retreat from Minas Tirith)

And, of course, the most terrifying thought of all:
Britney Spears as Eowyn?

(facing the Witch-King)
"Hit me, baby, one more time..."