Bekijk de volledige versie : Army of the Dead

26-03-2007, 18:00
Snyder & Warner Bros. Making Army of the Dead!

300 and Dawn of the Dead director Zack Snyder and Warner Bros. are reteaming on zombie action-thriller Army of the Dead, based on an original story by Snyder. Snyder is producing with wife Deborah through their recently launched company, Cruel & Unusual Films, based at Warners.

Variety says it is too early to say whether Zack Snyder is considering "Army" as a directing vehicle for himself. He will next direct Watchmen for Warner, based on the Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons graphic novel. He's set to begin filming at the end of the summer, with the studio eyeing a 2008 release.

Snyder and Warner have set Joby Harold, who wrote the upcoming Awake for The Weinstein Company, to pen the script for "Army." Cruel's Wesley Coller is executive producing.

Set in a quarantined Las Vegas in the not-too-distant future, "Army" revolves around a father who tries to save his daughter from imminent death in a zombie-infested world.

Snyder wants "Army" to have a sweeping, epic quality, along the lines of the highly stylized 300. "I feel like there hasn't been a zombie movie on the scale that we want to do it," Snyder said.

Bron: Variety

27-03-2007, 13:35
Want ... more ... zombies :D.

David L.
27-03-2007, 14:05
Want ... more ... zombies :D.This is not hip-hop....it's Electro.....:mrgreen:

Maar ontopic; dat kan geweldig worden! Het zou tijd worden voor een goede zombie-massacre! 8)
Ook al is dat eigenlijk een contradictio in terminus (6) And the frontdoor is open....AGAIN!!!! (6)

Jeroen D
27-03-2007, 14:23
Dat Snyder zombiefilms kan maken heeft hij al bewezen met Dawn of the Dead dus laat maar komen deze :)

Daan de G.
27-03-2007, 14:30
En dat Snyder goed omkan gaan met grote veldslagen heeft hij ook bewezen!
Geweldig idee dus :D

27-03-2007, 15:45
Vond Dawn of the Dead erg goed, al was die lang niet zo goed als het origineel, maar ik ben dol op zombies dus laat maar komen.

23-07-2007, 17:43
Er staan twee 'Army Of The Dead' films op IMDB.. eentje uit 2006 en eentje uit 2009.. welke is nou de zombiefilm?

mark t
23-07-2007, 17:52
Er staan twee 'Army Of The Dead' films op IMDB.. eentje uit 2006 en eentje uit 2009.. welke is nou de zombiefilm?Deze thread begint met een post van eind maart 2007 over een film die nog gemaakt moet worden. Wat denk je zelf? Zou het die van 2009 zijn?

24-07-2007, 12:57
Je weet maar nooit in het filmwereldje..;)

24-07-2007, 13:29
Snyder maakte een puike film met Dawn of the dead.
Laat maar komen dus.

26-07-2007, 18:35
Zo,dat is gaaf zeg dat belooft wat voor de zombiefans.
Zack sneijder kan best het vaandeltje overnemen van george romero.

26-07-2007, 21:34
Dawn of the dead is erg goed! Jammer dat er geen vervolg is gekomen, waarin je ziet hoe het verder gaat op het eiland... 'Dawn of the dead 2: army of the dead'. ?

Daan de G.
26-07-2007, 21:46
Ze worden allemaal afgemaakt, zo moeilijk is het toch niet om dat te bedenken ??

26-07-2007, 22:05
Ik zag dat er een paar werden vermoord, maar niet iedereen wat uit de boot gekomen.. Misschien zijn er nog 3 weggevaren toch?

Daan de G.
26-07-2007, 22:17
volgens mij schetst het einde van DotD dat er geen ontkomen aan de zombie plaag is, het eiland zou veilig zijn maar blijkt het toch niet te zijn, overal zijn zombies en geeft dus een behoorlijk eind van de wereld gedachte...

enfin, nu weer on topic ;)

27-10-2007, 11:30
EXCL: Snyder's Army of the Dead Update!

Immersing oneself in the world of the long-awaited big screen adaptation of Watchmen is an enviable, however protracted, duty director Zack Snyder (Dawn of the Dead, 300) committed himself to this year leaving room in his life for not much else. But during this writer's visit to the Vancouver set (on behalf of ComingSoon.net), ShockTillYouDrop.com found out progress is being made on the Snyder-produced Army of the Dead.

"We're meeting with directors right now," co-producer and wife Deborah Snyder exclusively tells us. Under their production banner Cruel & Unusual Films, the Snyders are developing the film for Warner Bros. "That's a little hard [to do] because we're here [on set] and every day is killer. We want the right person for it. The script has been turned in to the studio and they're really happy with it, with pretty minimal notes back, so they said, 'Hey, let's get a director.'"

Based on a story by Zack and written by Awake's Joby Harold, "Army" is described as a picture larger in scale than Snyder's 2004 "Dawn" redux. "Basically, something happened in Vegas and there was this huge outbreak of these zombies that were killing people," Deborah explains. "So to contain it they basically contain Vegas. The city is this wasteland with walls around it and all of these zombies are inside. One of our characters goes in there to investigate and gets trapped inside and her father goes in to search for her. He can't do it alone so he gets a group of mercenaries under the guise that there's money still in the casinos, because they don't care about his daughter. There's also a plotline of what's really going on - like, the containment isn't so contained and there are cover-ups. We think it's really fun. 'Dawn' was set in a mall and come on, Vegas is the perfect place to set a zombie film and you can have a lot of fun with that!"

Of the films they get phone calls on, Deborah adds Army of the Dead is one that has generated a lot of interest. Currently, the Snyders are seeking a director with experience, but with a "fresh eye." "What's important is tone. Like 'Dawn' has fun but it never makes fun. It's different than the tone of 28 Days Later, those films are super serious. I think 'Dawn' had a little bit more fun with it and we're hoping to have a similar tone in 'Army.'"

Bron: shocktillyoudrop.com

Peter Neefs
22-11-2007, 15:55
Interview met Joby Harold (script-writer) over Army of the Dead:


05-06-2008, 17:54
De film zal geregisseerd worden door een Nederlander! (y)

Van Heijningen Directing Army of the Dead

Warner Bros. has signed commercial director and visual artist Matthijs van Heijningen to make his feature directing debut on Army of the Dead, an action thriller that takes place in zombie-infested Las Vegas.

Variety says the studio will co-finance the film with Village Roadshow Pictures. Zack Snyder and Deborah Snyder produce under their WB-based Cruel & Unusual Films.

The script by Joby Harold (writer and director of Awake) focuses on a father who tries to save his daughter from certain death in a zombie-ridden Sin City.