Bekijk de volledige versie : Slotje:Powerbuy I-Dog,cat,fish,puppy

Wim S.
06-05-2007, 10:12
Iemand hier die mischien een powerbuy kan regelen betreffende deze gadget(is totaal nutteloss maar wel leuk):


Little dog, big sound.
Now plug your MP3 player into I-DOG and hear your tunes through I-DOG's speaker! Toggle I-DOG's tail to turn off the speaker and listen to music via headphones.
I-DOG “feeds” on YOUR music. Your music helps form its personality by the type of music it hears, and its mood changes depending on how much music you share with I-DOG.
Personality: I-DOG displays distinct personalities depending on the type of music you “feed” him.

Its personality is displayed through the color of LED lights that flash and blink on its face.
Personalities: rock/punk; hip hop/rap; and dance/technoMood: Pocket-sized with adjustable legs, I-DOG changes its mood based on the amount of interaction it receives. Pat it on the head or “feed” it lots of music (at least 5 minutes every hour) and watch its mood change from sad and lonely to ecstatic and excited.

The flashing LED light patterns and animations reflect its moodI-DOG is compatible with most portable music devices like CD players and MP3 players. It also works with ambient music from a stereo or boombox speakers.

To use. . .
1. Plug I-DOG into the headphone jack of any hand-held or non-portable music system (i.e. MP3 player, CD player, stereo, etc.). I-DOG’s ears will perk up to show you that its listening and its head will move and groove to the music


2. I-DOG can listen to music through its built-in microphone. Sit I-DOG near a speaker and watch it react! The color of the lights reflect its distinct personality and the flashing LED light patterns and animations show its mood.
Requires 2 “AA” batteries (not included). Includes dual-plug cable.
Note: Does not download, record or store music.