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15-04-2011, 16:49
Ik ben van plan om de Pioneer VSX 920 te kopen, de laagste prijs die ik gevonden heb is 350euro, vind iemand nog een lagere prijs?

15-04-2011, 17:21
Ik heb hieronder (wel in het engels) de mening van iemand die ook voor de Pioneer zou gaan maar hem vergelijkt met de Onkyo 608 vergelijkt. Zijn woorden spreken boekdelen.
Als je effen zoekt en misschien wat geluk hebt, zal je hem misschien wel nog vinden voor een nog iets mindere prijs.
Op Ebay zijn er alvast enkele te vinden, waarvan eentje met jouw prijs of zelfs iets daaronder.

http://shop.benl.ebay.be/i.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253 A1%257C72%253A1229&rt=nc&_nkw=onkyo+608&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_sop=15&_sc=1

Pioneer VSX-920 vs Onkyo TX-SR608: Opinion
Thought I’d share a few quick thoughts on the VSX-920 and the SR-608, since they seem to be talked about a lot on here, and I got a lot of help/info on this board when making a purchase. I just picked up a VSX-920 from abt, two really, since the first died on me (the video just crapped out after having weird audio surges). Then the second had a hum (not a ground loop problem, I tried everything, and it still happened on every circuit in my apt even with only the center channel plugged in) and it has to go back. Done with Pioneer for the moment I decided to pick up the SR608 at Best Buy. I used the Pioneer quite happily for a week or two before the video died, and the Onkyo for only a day thus far, so they’re just first impressions. I can post more later if anyone wants.

Also, I’m running Def Tech ProCinema 60s. I like good audio, but I’m obviously not a high-end audiophile spending $3000 on a receiver. I'm not running mutliple zones, I'm just plugging a bunch of inputs (xbox, BD, cable, Wii, PC) into a box that's supposed to make everything sound awesome and work together. I know a good bit about what I'm doing, but won't even try and be technical about it since I'll lose that flame war. So take it all w/ a grain of salt.

The Pioneer had a really thin, crisp sound. I wouldn’t call it tinny, and it depended on the source audio. Some tv shows sounded fuller than others, but it never sounded bad. Honestly, I was happy with it until it died and I got the Onkyo. Blu-Rays sounded fantastic, there was a real presence to the audio, though some voices really weren’t as rich as I’d expect. I thought the EQ left a lot to be desired.

The remote of the Pioneer is really confusing, it took a long time to find simple buttons (like Setup or EQ). They’ve fallen prey to having buttons do multiple things, and tons of words across the whole remote. I was switching to a Harmony once it was set up, but just setting it up took a lot longer, that’s how bad the remote was.

The Pioneer looks great, the gloss finish is classy, it ran fairly cool, and handled video switching well. The upconverting was good, though one note is that I ran a wii through it and it left a black margin around the whole screen which I had to correct with my TV’s aspect correction. Not a big deal, but worth noting.

I set up using the MCACC, it worked fine. Generally got the speaker distances correct, but again, the sound was fairly thin so it was really just balancing levels. It’s a single position setup vs. the Onkyo 3 position setup.

You can’t really assign inputs on the 920. You can make do and use BD for a video game system or something, but you can’t shift things to your liking.

I realize the Onkyo is an MSRP of $150 more than the Pioneer so this may be expected, but, it’s a way higher quality machine. The OSD is great, the setup is way richer, the inputs are all assignable and renamable, there’s an extra HDMI vs the 920…it looks and feels like a more expensive machine. Put simply, there are bells and whistles, and you realize quickly how different they are.

The sound of the Onkyo is really rich. The speakers sort of dissolve, and you just hear the audio, which is what I think was missing from my 920 experience. It has a fuller sound that I didn’t entirely expect, I thought the thin audio came from my speakers. I put in a BD of Astro Boy and the opening audio was beautiful. My wife, who isn’t an audiophile at all clearly noticed a difference and preferred the Onkyo as well.

The remote is head and shoulders about the 920. It’s a well-designed, legible remote. Again, I won’t be using it, but I could find the buttons I needed to press. It’s quite responsive with the setup program, I was a fan.

The setup of the Onkyo takes slightly longer since the audyssey measures three spots around the seating area as opposed to one for the 920. It was easy to use, and gave me a pretty solid calibration from the start. I haven’t tweaked a lot yet, but my first listen was quite happy.

The OSD is something I didn’t realize I needed until I had it. I keep my equipment in a media center that is open but has a sort of wooden lattice in front of everything. If I want to close the doors I can read it, but it’s not as easy as having it on the screen. Having volume level appear on my tv was like a revelation. Same for checking/changing the listening mode. It’s a little thing, but a big little thing.

As I’m sure you can tell, I’m happy the Pioneer didn’t work for me ultimately. I paid a bit more for the Onkyo than the Pio, but am glad I did. I can update this later if anyone’s interested, since the Onkyo is based entirely on first impressions, and I had 1-2 weeks with the Pioneer.

15-04-2011, 17:45
Nu doe je me weer twijfelen, hehe, maar dat is goed, ga nog eens alles goed overzien dus!

Mike Cinerama
15-04-2011, 18:03
Hier een zeer blije VSX920 eigenaar vorig jaar overstap gemaakt van een Onkyo TX-SR804E naar een Pioneer VSX920. Het blijft natuurlijk ook een deel persoonlijke smaak hiernog wat link


15-04-2011, 19:40
Alvast thx voor de nieuwe info...de keuze word er niet makkelijker op hehe!

15-04-2011, 20:24
Alvast thx voor de nieuwe info...de keuze word er niet makkelijker op hehe!

Daar stond ook deze review:


Ga je niet helpen met de prijs van de Pio8-);)

>>http://www.correct.nl/artikel.php?ARTNR=415257&ref=kieskeurig (http://www.correct.nl/artikel.php?ARTNR=415257&ref=kieskeurig) <<

15-04-2011, 20:39
ga in de zin van wil? of kan je niet helpen?:lol:

Daar stond ook deze review:


Ga je niet helpen met de prijs van de Pio8-);)

>>http://www.correct.nl/artikel.php?ARTNR=415257&ref=kieskeurig (http://www.correct.nl/artikel.php?ARTNR=415257&ref=kieskeurig) <<

15-04-2011, 20:48
ga in de zin van wil? of kan je niet helpen?:lol:

Ik heb je wel geholpen, klik maar tussen de << bijna onzichtbare hulp, van de vorige post >> ;)8-)

15-04-2011, 21:18
Alvast thx voor de nieuwe info...de keuze word er niet makkelijker op hehe!

Ik wilde je gewoon weer even aan het twijfelen brengen;) , uiteindelijk maak je zelf de keus, niemand kan voor jou zeggen wat je van belang moet vinden en als dat een ipod dock oid is, so be it8-)

15-04-2011, 21:36
Oeps, dik fout van me hehe...laptopscherm stond wat te scheef :-P

Ik heb je wel geholpen, klik maar tussen de << bijna onzichtbare hulp, van de vorige post >> ;)8-)

15-04-2011, 21:39
Ik doe het niet voor Ipod dock want heb geen ipod meer, hd heeft het begeven jammergenoeg...
Ik moet gewoon de knoop door hakken tussen de Onkyo en Pioneer, of ik word er nog zot van hehe!

Ik wilde je gewoon weer even aan het twijfelen brengen;) , uiteindelijk maak je zelf de keus, niemand kan voor jou zeggen wat je van belang moet vinden en als dat een ipod dock oid is, so be it8-)

16-04-2011, 10:06
Als het een weloverwogen keus is geweest en de glimmende buitenkant niet van invloed is geweest..... veel plezier ermee(y)