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Discussie: Avatar

  1. #26

  2. #27


    Het lijkt me wel een interessant project.
    "Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
    ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."

    Greetz, the Dude / Four-Star SafeTrader | Filmlijst en -recensies | DVD Profiler

  3. #28


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Evil Hobbit Bekijk bericht
    die poster is fake
    Hij komt van Empire Online dus dat betwijfel ik...
    Het is iig wel een echte teaser die nog helemaal niets zegt.
    |Gekeken films (WhatIWatch) |
    "The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle." - Stanley Kubrick

  4. #29

  5. #30


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Patrick vd Hul Bekijk bericht
    Hij komt van Empire Online dus dat betwijfel ik...
    Het is iig wel een echte teaser die nog helemaal niets zegt.
    Het is een fake, hij stond een tijd terug ook op aintitcool. De fancredit staat er zelfs bij "a movie poster by rushpoint" en de logo's kloppen niet. En er staat een rating op en de film is nog lang niet af en dus ook nog lang niet door de MPAA gehaald.

  6. #31


    Dít is de échte teaser-poster:

    En deze komt van bij WETA (lord of the rings) waar ze nu aan de SFX aan't werken zijn.

  7. #32


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Fontane Bekijk bericht
    Avatar... Niet iets in de avatar nickelodeon sfeer?
    Nee, maar ik heb wel gelezen dat M. Night Shayalaman bezig is met een bewerking van de serie tot een life-action triologie. De makers van deze film hebben echter al gezegd dat het naamrecht (voorlopig) bij hen ligt dus dat zal nog wel enige spanningen teweg gaan brengen.

  8. #33


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Evil Hobbit Bekijk bericht
    Het is een fake, hij stond een tijd terug ook op aintitcool. De fancredit staat er zelfs bij "a movie poster by rushpoint" en de logo's kloppen niet. En er staat een rating op en de film is nog lang niet af en dus ook nog lang niet door de MPAA gehaald.
    Wel apart dan dat Empire 'm op de site plaatst :razz:
    |Gekeken films (WhatIWatch) |
    "The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle." - Stanley Kubrick

  9. #34


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door deweb Bekijk bericht
    Nee, maar ik heb wel gelezen dat M. Night Shayalaman bezig is met een bewerking van de serie tot een life-action triologie. De makers van deze film hebben echter al gezegd dat het naamrecht (voorlopig) bij hen ligt dus dat zal nog wel enige spanningen teweg gaan brengen.
    Afgezien van de naam problemen zie ik toch wel meer uit dan naar de Avatar van Shayalaman, als deze film!

  10. #35


    Ubisoft pakt licentie James Cameron's Avatar

    Nieuws | 24 juli 2007 - Ubisoft heeft vandaag bekend gemaakt dat men games zal gaan maken van Twentieth Century Fox’s film Avatar. De film wordt geschreven en geregisseerd door de Academy Award-winnende filmmaker James Cameron, die eerder verantwoordelijk was voor films zoals Titanic, True Lies, The Abyss, Aliens, The Terminator en Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

    Avatar vertelt het verhaal van een ex-Marine die in vijandelijk gebied terecht komt op een buitenaardse planeet gevuld met exotische levensvormen. Als een Avatar – een menselijke brein in een buitenaards lichaam – is hij gevangen tussen twee werelden. Een wanhopige strijd om zelf te overleven en het redden van de inheemse bevolking. De cast van de film bestaat onder andere uit Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana en Sigourney Weaver. WETA Digital – bekend van de The Lord of the Rings-trilogie en King Kong – zijn verantwoordelijk voor het tot leven brengen van de buitenaardse wereld.

    Volgens James Cameran moet je de game niet zien als een film-game en zal Ubisoft vooral de rijke wereld en de personages duidelijk terug laten komen in de game. Voor welke platformen de game zal verschijnen is nog niet bekend. Zowel de film en de game zullen in mei 2009 verschijnen. (GP)


  11. #36


    Ribisi Boards Cameron's Avatar

    Giovanni Ribisi will star in James Cameron's highly-anticipated 3-D feature Avatar, playing a passive-aggressive character named Selfridge in the Fox film about a band of humans pitted against a distant planet's indigenous inhabitants.

    He joins a cast that includes Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, Joel David Moore, CCH Pounder, Peter Mensah, Laz Alonso, Wes Studi and Stephen Lang.

    The $190 million Avatar is set for release May 22, 2009, and features a blend of live-action photography and new virtual photorealistic production techniques invented by Cameron's team. The film features six computer-generated actors known as "synthespians" and is in production in Los Angeles and next month starts production in New Zealand at Weta Digital.

    Cameron is writing and directing as well as producing with Jon Landau and Lightstorm Entertainment.

    "I grew up in the cinema, almost. Both my parents worked there. My life, my reading, everything about me revolves around the cinema. So for me, cinema is life, and vice versa."
    - Sergio Leone

  12. #37

  13. #38


    De eerste beelden zijn denk ik pas eind 2008 te verwachten.. Aangezien ze willen gaan pronken met hun effects, gaat het wel wat langer duren voordat er daadwerkelijk beelden klaar zijn. En ze zijn natuurlijk ook nog maar net officieel met het project begonnen.
    I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve

  14. #39


    Concept art van de alien species uit de film, nog niet 100% zeker of dit echt is:

    |Gekeken films (WhatIWatch) |
    "The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle." - Stanley Kubrick

  15. #40


    Van Empire:

    James Cameron Will Make You Believe
    Director talks Avatar's 'syn-thespians'

    James Cameron's biggest challenge in revealing Avatar to the world won't be that he's striving to establish 3-D as a tool for all kinds of film-making and not just gimmicks, nor that every interview will ask what the hell he's been doing with his time since Titanic. No, the big challenge will be that Cameron needs his audience to believe that the computer-generated characters in his sci-fi epic are absolutely real. Making beings in a computer that remain completely convincing alongside live-action humans is something that has never been fully achieved in movies, although Peter Jackson has come closest and made enormous leaps. But Cameron believes he has the technology.

    "Avatar will make people truly experience something," Cameron said at the Microsoft Advance '08 conference. "One more layer of the suspension of disbelief will be removed. All the syn-thespians are photo-realistic. Now that we've achieved it, we discovered CG characters in 3D look more real than in 2D. Your brain is cued – it's a real thing not a picture – and discounting part of [the] image that makes it look fake."

    Those are some big words, but if there's a person who can do it, then we're sure it's Cameron. A good portion of his time since Titanic, and apparently much time before that film, has, after all, been dedicated to developing this technology. So he's been making sure to get it right.

    Making "syn-thespians" believable to the eye is the last great hurdle for computer effects artists. It's been achieved in a static state, but no film yet made, no matter how much money they've spent, has achieved a level of detail and fluidity and naturalism of movement that means you stop thinking 'amazing effects', as you would with Gollum, King Kong or Jurassic Park's dinosaurs, and just fully believe them as part of the cast. The three films mentioned did incredible things with effects and giving CG characters personalities, but there's still a part of your mind that registers that they're not real. Cameron reckons that's because nobody has tried anything this complicated before.

    "Avatar is the single most complex piece of film-making ever made," said Cameron. "We have 1,600 shots for a 2.5 hour movie. It's not with a single CGI character, like King Kong or Gollum. We have hundreds of photo-realistic CG characters."

    He goes so far as to say that he's been concentrating so hard on getting the technology right that "I don't know whether [this] will be [a] great film from a narrative and critical standpoint. The experience of Avatar will be an experience unlike any other movies." We'd hope that doesn't mean he's sacrificing story for the benefit of visuals, but given how much and how passionately he's talked about the whole world of Avatar, and not just the technology, we very much doubt that to be the case.

    Remember, Cameron is not (from everything we've heard on the film so far) creating CG humans, but aliens, and humanoid creatures that serve as the titular avatars for people venturing to the alien world. So this isn't some needless Final Fantasy type indulgence to imitate life for no good reason. These characters all slipping into the environment seamlessly is a vital part of the film, ostensibly about a human vs alien battle for a planet rich in rare mineral, which is why they have to be absolutely right. Suspension of disbelief is actually more complicated the closer you get to realism. It's easy to see now why it's taken so long to make and why we have the agonising wait until next December to see it. But we could not be more intrigued and excited.

    Thus concludes super-long and complicated news story.
    Ik kan alleen maar zeggen: "Laat maar komen..!!"
    Logan's inspirational messages of the day:

    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt
    Adversity is the diamond dust with which heaven polishes its jewels. - Thomas Carlyle
    To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best. - William Thackeray
    Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late. - Ben Franklin

  16. #41

  17. #42


    A Peek at the Na'vi in Cameron's Avatar?

    MarketSaw has gotten its hands on a crew T-shirt from the set of James Cameron's Avatar that gives a first look at a silhouette of the Na'vi, which inhabit the exotic planet that an ex-Marine travels to in an effort to settle and exploit. The ex-Marine eventually crosses over to lead the indigenous race in a battle for survival.

    The film, opening December 18, 2009, stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, Giovanni Ribisi, Joel David Moore, CCH Pounder, Peter Mensah, Laz Alonso, Wes Studi, Stephen Lang and Matt Gerald.

    Click the image below to view the full T-shirt design!

    "I grew up in the cinema, almost. Both my parents worked there. My life, my reading, everything about me revolves around the cinema. So for me, cinema is life, and vice versa."
    - Sergio Leone

  18. #43


    't maar de vraag hoeveel mensen 'm wereldweid in 3D gaan zien.
    Hier in Nederland is het wel aardig goed verspreidt qua 3D zalen, maar hoeveel mensen krijg je daadwerkelijk naar de 3D versie?
    Veel mensen gaan dan meteen denken: Ooo weer zo'n pokke rood-blauw geval?
    Toen ik aan mensen vertelde dat ik destijds naar Beowulf 3D was geweest, kon ik steeds weer gaan uitleggen dat het tegenwoordig digitaal met shutterglasses of polarisatie gebeurd.

    't Is te hopen dat ie ook op IMAX 3D uitkomt, want dan heb je vooral in Amerika een flink aantal extra zalen te pakken en is ie in Amsterdam ook beter beschikbaar, namelijk in de IMAX in Pathe Arena.
    Want de enige Digital 3D zaal in Amsterdam, is Pathe Tuschinski zaal 1.

    Ik hoorde laatst van Joris Springer, dat bioscopen die de XDC G3 server hebben in hun digitale zalen, deze moeten vervangen voor een Doremi server als ze 3D projectie willen, plus nog de installatie voor de brillen.

    Da's het probleem: En 35mm projector en een Dolby installatie gaan jaren mee, maar met digitale projectie blijf je de hele tijd investeren.

  19. #44


    Zoveel zal het allemaal wel niet uitmaken. Cameron heeft in een interview al eens gezegd dat hij weet dat hij de film zo moet maken dat hij even goed overkomt op een gewoon scherm als in een 3D-zaal. Bovendien, tegen dat de film uitkomt in de Verenigde Staten zouden ook al heel wat meer zalen in staat moeten zijn om 3D-films te draaien (en dan spreken we voor de VS over honderden extra zalen en de rest van de wereld zal wel volgen).

  20. #45

  21. #46


    James Cameron over Avatar:

    James Cameron's 'Avatar' creating tech buzz

    3-D project using visionary new techniques

    By Carolyn Giardina
    Aug 6, 2008, 08:36 PM ET

    With 17 months to go before the release of James Cameron's sci-fi epic "Avatar," his first narrative feature since 1997's "Titanic," anticipation already is enormous. The wildly ambitious project will be made in stereoscopic 3-D and combine live action and computer animation using visionary new filmmaking techniques.

    Slated to open Dec. 18, 2009, the production already has been in the works for 2 1/2 years. When completed, Cameron expects "Avatar" to be about 60% CG animation, based on characters created using a newly developed performance capture-based process, and 40% live action, with a lot of VFX in the imagery.

    "It is the most challenging film I've ever made," Cameron said.

    Still, the innovative filmmaker and digital 3-D pioneer and champion has never shifted his emphasis from storytelling.

    "You have to make a good film that would be a good film under any circumstances," he said. "You have to put the narrative first. The reality is no matter how many (3-D) screens we get, you are still going to have a large number of people -- possibly the majority of people -- who see the film in a 2-D environment."

    The live-action principal photography for "Avatar" was shot in New Zealand last fall and winter using the Fusion 3-D camera system. Cameron first used the Fusion to make his 2003 Imax 3-D film "Ghosts of the Abyss"; he and "Ghosts" director of photography Vince Pace invented the camera system for the project.

    Now, Fusion camera systems are available for rental via Burbank-based 3-D provider Pace, through which president Vince Pace and Cameron continue to innovate and develop the technology. The system already has made its mark, having been used on such pioneering live-action digital 3-D titles as "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert" and "Journey to the Center of the Earth."

    Said Pace: "The systems themselves, in my opinion, can handle any creative challenge. We've learned a lot since shooting 'Ghosts of the Abyss.' "

    With "Avatar's" principal photography completed, Cameron is focused on CG production. The helmer said his team has completed the performance capture (sometimes referred to as motion capture) of the actors and is in the post process of performance capture 3-D.

    The CG involved a large amount of additional R&D that afforded the director new creative options and flexibility. For one, the film used a new performance capture production workflow.

    "The way we developed the performance capture workflow on 'Avatar" is we have our virtual camera, which allows me to, in real time, hold a camera -- it's really a monitor -- in my hands and point it at the actors and see them as their CG chartacters," Cameron said.

    The actors wear leotards and a "head rig" with a tiny standard-definition camera that takes an image of an actor's face. "That is going though facial algorithms and going back into the camera as a real-time CG face of the character," the helmer said. "You see it talk; you see the eyes move. It is pretty phenomenal.

    "Once we've laid down a take, the take exists in the digital asset management system," he said. "It an be accessed at any time. Long after the actors have gone home, I'm still out there with the virtual camera, shooting coverage on the scene. I just have to play the take back. I can do the close up, the wide shot. ... I can even move them around on a limited basis. We relight it. We do all kinds of things.

    "It's this amazing ability to quickly conjure scenes and images and great fantasyscapes that is very visual. We call it 'director centric' because I can use the camera to block the actors," Cameron related. "When you are doing performance capture, creatively it's very daunting. It's very hard to imagine what it will look like. But if you can see it, if you can have a virtual image of what is it going to be like, then you are there. As the processing power goes up our models get more sophisticated and our lighting tools get more sophisticated, even while we are making this movie. I'm still doing a lot of virtual camera work on the film ... on stuff that was shot six months ago."

    Cameron also used what he calls FPR, or Facial Performance Replacement, which he likens to the film sound technique of ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement).

    To describe the process, the director relates that he recently wanted to redo a line spoken by actor Laz Alonzo. "We changed the words and he redid the dialogue. We didn't have to recapture (his body performance) and he didn't have to put the performance capture suit on again. We were just creating new words, and we were creating a new face."

    On the cinematography, Cameron related that his goal was to create "one movie where the aesthetics of physical production and the aesthetics of virtual production are, to the extent that we could do it, pretty much it identical."

    Reaching this goal involved development of what Cameron calls the 'Simulcam,' which essentially treats a real camera like the virtual camera and in turn helps to remove guesswork. "We're taking our virtual production toolset and superimposing it on physical production," Cameron said. "We turned the set on the soundstage into a capture volume and turned the physical camera into a capture virtual camera, so we were able to integrate CG characters and environments into our live action."

    As an example of how this works, he explained: "We have people in flying vehicles, and I can see what is outside the window, fed in, in real time."

    On 3-D, both Cameron and Pace are looking ahead.

    "The real question is 'where does all this go?" Cameron said. "Are we looking at a situation maybe 10-15 years out where most laptops are sold with 3-D stereoscopic screens, most montors are stereo compatible, most DVD players can run stereo content? ... I can see this becoming much more pervasive that we are thinking now."

    He and Pace believe content is the key.

    Pace addressed one last--and not often addressed--aspect of 3-D: The archival value.

    "I think back of our shots at Titanic (lensed for "Ghosts of the Abyss"). Those have incredible, future proof, archival value," Pace said. "When we look at (3-D) display devices in the home (which are already becoming available)--a lot of filmmakers and studios need to be making 3-D right now. Those production commitments are often based on the here and now, instead of thinking about how much value there is to this 3-D product in the future. Why not master in 3-D now if there is only an incremental expense? Why not think about that now?"

  22. #47


    Met een kilometer voorsprong de film waar ik het meest naar uitkijk volgend jaar

  23. #48


    Ik kijk hier ook reikhalzend naar uit!!

  24. #49


    Praktisch altijd hetzelfde dat hij zegt. Dat het revolutionair word. Ik kijk er ook naar uit, maar het ligt nog te ver om me nu al te laten opfokken voor deze.

  25. #50


    Titanic sprak me geen bal aan. 20 jaar na die vette T2 verwacht ik een hele goeie film !

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